Love looks very different to many people, some people believe love is another human being their parents have met and arranged for them to marry. In hope that one day they may actually fall deeply in love with that person, or maybe they live with a settled feeling always curious of what could have been. Love to some people is loving multiple people all at the same time or loving the same one person for the rest of your life and not getting tired of it. I LOVE that 'love' means something different to each and every one of us. The ancient Greek philosophers came up with the '7 Different types of Love' these categories of love explain and Divulge the different ways one can show love to another. The first - Eros: Love of the body. This type of love illustrates sexual attraction, physical desire towards others, and a lack of control... (pretty sure its obvious I felt! EROS LOVE the minute I locked eyes with Dylan) The second- Philia: Affectionate love, the kind of love I think that can slip away from us awfully quickly especially when being wrapped up with a special needs child. The third- Storge: Love of the Child, this love is unconditional, the kind of love a parent gives to their child on a daily basis. The Fourth- Agape: Selfless Love, this love can be found in the people who dedicate their lives to helping others for the good of humanity. Teachers, nurses. The Fifth- Ludus: Playful Love, this love is a desiring, to want to have fun with each other, tease and indulge. The sixth- Pragma: Long-lasting Love it is a kind of practical love founded on reason or duty and one's longer-term interests. Sexual attraction takes a back seat in favour of personal qualities and compatibilities, shared goals. The Seventh- Philautia: Love of the Self, it is essential for any relationship, we can only love others if we truly love ourselves and we can only care for others if we truly care for ourselves. I believe at the age of 15 I fell in love with Dylan, though our lives didn't just slip into one another easily, we both felt an awakening the day we met, call it ' love at first sight', Eros or even Ludus Love which obviously grew into True Love, but that day we both felt it. The love i was shown as a child from my parents was definitely unconditional and even though the love I saw between my parents towards one another. Was also unconditional love it looked very different, I never heard my parents yell or scream at one another, they dealt with all their life issues between themselves in their own privacy. They were always affectionate towards one another at home and in public, they showed love and even participated in filling each others love languages. There is no right or wrong way of how people show one another love, however as I did hit adulthood I realised maybe, the way my parents showed and dealt with love may not fit in with who I am. Then there was the way Dylan witnessed and was shown love, Dylan watched both his parents also very dedicated and loving towards one another. In their house when life issues arose wether it be a family matter or just between mum and dad, they were dealt with openly and in front of one another. Dylans parents were not huge on public affection and left their loving actions for one another in private. Once again there is no right or wrong answers when it comes to how you witnessed love in your life from others, there Is just what resinates and works for you and the people you're in relationship with. Now imagine being 15 and 16 years old, feeling the depth and unfathomable attraction for one another and coming from 2 vastly different worlds. We definitely had many times of looking at one another and thinking " How the hell are we going to get through this!' Yet, we had passion and drive for one another no hurdle could take out, we pursued and pushed every barrier. Because of this pure drive we got to experience GREAT love, though life is never that easy, now is it!
What does love look like?