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Study & Research - Centre for autism spectrum disorders @ Bond University

I participated in a 6 week Study and Research program with the team at the Centre for ASD at Bond University. I was recruited by the Professor Vicki Bitsika, and worked alongside many of the professor's and students there. I par took in one side of the program providing the clinic with vital details and experience's I personally had been through in my own life with my son who has Autism Spectrum Disorder. 

The other side of the program I par took in was the study of how 'Anxiety' directly affects children on the spectrum. Also developing coping mechanisms for those children and their parents/ care givers and guardians. I learnt a lot of useful knowledge and wisdom from my time with the ASD clinic and will be forever grateful for the strategies and lessons I learnt. 

Multidisciplinary Clinic- Southport Health Precinct:

After Many, many months of waiting for the multidisciplinary clinic team to get into contact with me, as they help families with children with fresh diagnosis, get help. I attended my first session with team 3 months and 4 days after Dominic's diagnosis. I sat down with an Occupational therapist, paediatrician, psychiatrist, speech therapist and a psychologist. The goal was for these 5 professionals to teach me about my sons diagnosis and set him up for years to come with help and therapies. However it was VERY different, in under 3 months I had gone through meeting and interviewing 3 OT's and picked a perfect one for Dominic. Assigned and started attending speech therapy classes, psychology classes and enrolled Dominic in an Early Childhood Development Program. Yes I spent a fair bit of money and wasted no time, however I knew from all my study within those 3 months that early intervention is the best intervention. The team sat there GOBSMACKED at all my research and knowledge and asked me to participate in helping them. For a 3 month period of contacting parents/ care givers and guardians and offering to help them guide through the 500 page booklet you get dropped on you when your child gets diagnosed. I was honoured to be invited to help other parents just like myself and was personally excited. I was over the moon receiving feedback from parents who found my services extremely positive

My Knowledge and Experience- 


I am currently tutoring a Year 9 Boy, who has High Functioning ASD and ADHD. I was approached by his family as he had been through a fair few tutors, as he didn't feel he was being heard or understood. Together myself and this young boy have helped his grades increase and he tells me how he feels happy with me as 'I get him' Being a mother to a Autistic child, has benefited myself and so many others just like this boy, because if it wasn't for my son, I would have this passion and knowledge for Autism, like I do...

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I am also currently working alongside a Internationally selling Author and Mentor, which were we work together to help Parents and Children on the spectrum. This means my partner can Mentor the parents who are raising these special needs children and help guide them through their mental state. So during this time, I get to spend one on one with the child, who has either being diagnosed on the spectrum or is being looked at for being diagnosed. Do not misunderstand, I do not diagnose anyone or even share my opinion of the child, I am there to listen to the parents, get to know the child and observe them. After that I then get to share, my experiences with my own son and the knowledge I have gained in the past 4 years. This helps guide parents to take the right steps that will bring answers and support to their family, in a fast and strategic manner. 

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