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The Honeymoon


For us we were stripped from our 5 star, luxurious, overseas honeymoon as I was the size of a balloon, 32 weeks pregnant and carrying a kidney disease. I was high risk. Therefore our honeymoon was high risk. I couldn't fly, I couldn't be far from a hospital, I couldn't be out of cell reception, God I could barely waddle. This did NOT stop 2 hopelessly in love kids. and we were hopelessly in love. We spent 3 weeks travelling all around NSW, Queensland and VIC. We ate more than an eager winner, at an 'all you can eat' food competition. We swam and tanned our skin. We shopped, like a newly divorced settled, x wife. We laughed, oh boy did we laugh. We were happy, we were also still shit scared of what was in my belly and what that meant🤣 but we were happy. Looking back I see why, It is so easy to be happy, grateful, loving, kind and everything in between. Because we were just faced with death. It is easier to love HARD when you are faced with the 'fear of the unknown'. Dylan didn't know If I would survive, if I would sleep next to him again, if I would call him husband aloud. When we are faced with death, with LOSS, we appreciate what we have, what we have endured and what we maybe once took for granted. Dont get me wrong, Dylan never took me for granted. But it was so easy for us to be swept up in our own world, where only the 2 of us existed. All we had time for, was for loving one another. Because right before that, we were faced with, ICU beds, organ failure, life support machines and a possible death certificate. AND! what good fucking timing! If two humans are ever going to express their undying love for another. surely its during a honeymoon? Openly, passionately making out, un breaking of holding hands, the lack of space between their two bodies. God this is the time! My heart racing and palms sweating right now as I write this blog, all these years later. Just thinking of the moments we shared! We may have not gone far from a hospital, stayed in a exotic bungalow or turned our phones off, from *worrying mothers*. But we did make space for one another, we did love as if tomorrow may not happen, as if we may loose one another as our eyes shut to sleep at night.

We headed home after 3 amazing weeks, on the way home, my somewhat new, mechanic, rev head, husband turned to me and said, "wanna buy a car". Thinking he had just won the lottery and I was about to get a Lamborghini for going through kidney failure. I smiled and replied "sure".

An hour later and we owned our first car together, one we could call ours, one we got on our own. We felt like adults 🤣

Here she is 💙

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